Saturday, November 25, 2006


hey there, constant reader, as Stephen King likes to say... well, we're all in the mood for a melody tonight anyway... i remember reading a book, which recommends an idea called "stream of consciousness" writing. what do you think? i'd love some feedback. is it a good plan, or are we all full of crap on this little planet...

Friday, November 24, 2006

a new update

well, just had a really cool chatroom session with a girl online from a dating site! most interesting. in a lot of ways i figure i would be a snob about meeting someone online, but then, it could be the best place to meet someone! and unusually, i don't know what this girl looks like. that is very unmale, don't you think? i also have to mention that i've been reading another blog which is Belle de Jour, have to say i'm incredibly taken by the honesty in her blog. i think it's fascinating how different everyone is in here and out there!
so we'll see how we get on with the girl from the dating site, there will have to be updates! and besides all that, i'm currently in bed with the flu, which is really wrecking my week, but hopefully that won't last...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

the front room

well, i just want to share a pic of my place! none of me so far, but maybe in time... we'll see... but anyway, this is a pic of my kitchen, for all those far away people who haven't yet had the time to visit! (hey kerstin!)

anyway, it's not a great pic, but what the hey! i've a better one somewhere, of a wine glass on the balcony. but i reckon i should leave the alcoholic references until we all know each other a little better..

looking around

so, to update. the last week has been pretty cool, was at the paul simon concert in dublin on wednesday night. he is gas for a guy in his sixties! This is his wikipedia page, pretty cool guy i reckon.
on other matters, i've been following a friend travelling the world, this is her blog, it's a little bit on the quiet side as a blog goes, but some of the pics are class! i feel incredibly jealous at the moment. but thats what ya get when you step onto the famous irish property ladder!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

My first post...

well, here I am, back to the start of another week! good fun you might say, but I'm not sure at the mo. anyhoo, just wanna post this up to see how it looks more than anything! Then I reckon it's time to check out a few more blogs on here..
See you soon!